

Alongside various pulling movements, another method for increasing the strength and endurance required to improve your pull-up or chin-up numbers, is to utilise isometric holds within your training program.

Isometric basically means there is no lengthening or shortening of the muscles, you simply hold one position with the muscles under tension. For pull-ups and chin-ups this means holding the top position of the movement, with your chin over the bar.

It’s often assumed that you should only incorporate isometrics into a training program if you are a beginner, or if you can’t perform ‘real reps’. The truth is isometric training has many benefits and can be used by everyone regardless of skill level. Not only can it help to improve strength, it is also great for stability, i.e. it helps to strengthen the connective tissues and nerves. This will not only aid movement it will also increase your chances to remain injury free.

Here’s some pointers to get you going on either the pull-up, or chin-up ISO hold.

  • Jump up so that your chin is over the bar.

  • Keep your chest close to the bar.

  • Pull your shoulders back and down.

  • Squeeze your glutes and abs to stop any rocking.

  • Retract your shoulder blades and think about squeezing a can between them.

  • On the pull-up hold pull your elbows back.

  • On the chin-up hold keep the arms tight into your sides. Imagine trying to hold a piece of paper between your upper arm and torso.

  • Don’t stop pulling on the bar.

  • Maintain a straight line throughout the body and point your toes.

  • Always look forward, not down or up.

  • Take short shallow breaths throughout.

  • Aim to hold for 20-30 secs, and build up the time gradually.

If you have the equipment at home whilst the gyms are closed I’d recommend adding isometric holds to your training. They’re not as easy as what they often look, but they will help you smash out some pull-ups and chin-ups  like they’re nothing, and if you find them too easy, there are a number of ways to increase their difficulty.