

What if you can’t perform a standard push-up. Then what?

Step forward the ‘Incline Push-Up’.

All push-ups, no matter how fancy or simple, will strengthen up the muscles of the chest, shoulders and triceps. But the degree to which they do that depends on the type of push-up you choose.

The incline push-up primarily targets the middle to lower part of the chest, whilst taking some pressure off the shoulders and triceps. In simple terms incline push-ups are a great exercise for anyone who struggles with standard push-ups. The angle of the incline provides support for your bodyweight, making this version of the push-up doable for almost everyone. The higher the incline, the easier the exercise is. Simple.

Here’s some tips and pointers:

  • Place your hands about shoulder-width apart on an elevated surface. Plyo boxes work well. If you need a wider or higher piece of equipment feel free to change up. Just make sure it’s a stable surface.

  • With your arms locked out step back so your body is in a straight line.

  • Make sure you are holding a neutral position with your spine and don’t let the lower back sag. Squeeze your glutes and think about drawing your belly button into your rib-cage.

  • As you lower yourself towards the box maintain tension through your body, and aim to keep your elbows over your wrists.

  • In the bottom position your chest should be inline with your hands. If not, just adjust your position by walking your feet in or out.

  • As you press back up to the start position be sure to press through your palms and maintain that straight line through the whole-body.

  • Again, squeezing your glutes and core muscles will help maintain the correct body position.

  • Once you feel you lose the technique, stop and rest.

  • Rinse and repeat for the desired amount of reps.

Incline push-ups are always my go to progression when I have to teach, and occasionally re-teach, clients how to perform push-ups correctly and effectively.

The form and technique that is required for full push-ups can be honed by implementing incline push-ups into your training.