

Mountain Climbers are such a simple and effective exercise. They generally target your arms, chest, shoulders and your whole core musculature. On top of that if you perform Mountain Climbers at pace they will even challenge your aerobic fitness. 

However, people can still make a bit of a car crash of them. With that in mind here are some tips:

  • Start in your press-up position with your hands directly underneath your shoulders.

  • Your feet should be placed at least hip width apart.

  • Keep your arms locked throughout the movement.

  • Engage your core and keep the lower back flat. Do not let it arch.

  • Think about maintaining a straight line all through the body from the shoulder, to the hips, and down to your ankles.

  • Bring one knee tight into your chest, then extend the leg back to the start position. Alternate your legs.

  • Don’t pike the hips when you bring the knee in. 

  • Don’t rock backwards and forwards at the shoulders. Only the legs should really be moving.

  • Start slowly and once you have the technique begin to speed the movement up to reap the aerobic benefits.

There are lots of different variations of Mountain Climbers but all the same principles apply. If you wish to work your oblique’s a little more, which we could all do with doing, instead of bringing your knees tight into your chest, twist your torso and aim the knee towards the opposite elbow. You should still be able to keep a good pace up, but you will need to make sure you return to the correct start position.

Mountain Climbers are an awesome exercise to either perform for time or high reps. They’re perfect for most circuits, and a pretty good alternative for those who don’t like burpees.