

Over time of having prolonged periods of inactivity, or more time sat down, what you will find is that the muscles along the front of your hips and upper legs, especially the hip flexors, adapt to the position and become shortened and tight. Further more you may find that because of this you start to develop back pain.

A few simple stretches that lengthen the front of your hips whilst engaging the posterior chain can help to alleviate some of the aches, pains and niggles that are caused by spending to long sat down.

The Seal Stretch is one of my go-to stretches when I feel like I’ve been stationary for too long.

Here are some tips.

  •  Lie down on your front with your hands on the floor near your waist.

  • Extend your arms until you feel a gentle stretch. Try to resist pushing further than what is initially comfortable.

  • Don’t not to let your hipbones lift off the floor.

  • Pull your shoulders back and down whilst looking up.

  • Think about pulling your chest forward through your arms.

  • Hold the position for 30-60 seconds, and increase from there.

Even if you’re not feeling particularly tight, or don’t feel that your spending more time stationary, it’s always prudent to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to your flexibility.