

Some of you may find that holding a regular plank, either on your forearms or with straight arms, is a tough workout not just on your core but also on your shoulders.

The shoulder itself is a pretty unforgiving joint. It relies on muscles and connective tissues to provide support and stability. The greater the stability is in and around the shoulder means that the shoulder muscles will work and activate with greater affect, which in turn should reduce the risk of injury in the ligaments, tendons and muscles of the shoulder joint.

This single arm variation of the straight-arm plank takes the regular plank to the next level. As a bonus it will not only improve your core strength but also that much required strength and stability in the shoulder joint.

Here are some tips and pointers.

  • Start in a push-up position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your feet parallel with your hands.

  • The closer you have your feet the harder you will find the exercise.

  • Stabilize your core throughout by maintaining tension in your glutes and abs.

  • Keep your hips flat as you lift one hand to the opposite shoulder.

  • If you find yourself falling over go wider with your feet.

  • Resist the temptation to bring your supporting hand to the centerline of the body. Keep it under your shoulder.

  • Do not tilt the hips or shoulders.

  • Aim to hold for 30-60 seconds on each arm.

For an extra challenge see if you can change sides without letting your shoulders and hips tilt.