

If you spend most of your day sat down over time this will cause problems as your hips and upper legs adapt to the position and become shortened and tight, you may even find that you start to develop back pain.

Simple stretches such as the Seal Stretch will help counteract this, as will this Table Stretch.

The Table Stretch is a relatively simple movement that will help to create a greater range of motion through the shoulders and hips, whilst also helping to strengthen the posterior chain.

Here are some tips for you.

  • Sit on the floor with your feet and hands both shoulder width apart.

  • Place your hands behind you with the fingers pointing away from the body.

  • Press down into the floor with both your hands and feet as you lift your hips.

  • Your knees should be at 90º with the arms locked out.

  • Make sure your wrists are directly below your shoulders.

  • As you lifts your hips think about opening up your chest and bringing your shoulder blades together.

  • Maintain a neutral position with your neck.

  • Squeeze your glutes and maintain tension in your core.

  • Initially aim to hold the stretch for 40-60 secs.

If you feel any pain in your elbow joints reset with your hands further apart. In time as your mobility increases you can move them closer together. 

Even if you’re not feeling particularly tight, or don’t feel that your spending more time stationary, it’s always prudent to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to your flexibility.