

Many of us are guilty of attempting to make our training more complicated than it really needs to be, and it usually comes at the expense of the basics.

Even if you are a beginner to training, or a regular gym rat, there should always be some basic principles that you adhere to, and what you need to remember is that there is no such thing as the perfect training program.

Even during this lockdown period that we find ourselves in you should still be able to focus on the big compound lifts i.e squat, deadlift, pull and press. Get strong at these. Sprint instead of plod. Add in some mobility and flexibility work, and don’t neglect some of the simple core exercises such as the Plank.

You may even find that once you follow the basics, and keep your training simple, you suddenly become more productive. You waste less time, and leave yourself more time to enjoy living a life away from training.

Life is simple. Don’t overcomplicate it. Just be consistent.