Providing the experience and knowledge to bring you one step closer to achieving your health and fitness goals.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Steve and I’m a Personal Trainer and MNU Certified Nutritionist based here in Manchester.

I’ve had the honour and privilege to travel all over the world to study and train with some of the best athletes, sport coaches and nutritionists around today. It’s because of these very experiences that I strive to improve my own skills and abilities to benefit, teach and motivate all my clients. The health and fitness industry never sits still, and neither do I. I continually look to research and implement the most effective methods for each clients individual goals. At the end of the day if I can inspire and motivate you to become the best version of you, and leave you with the tools and knowledge for life, then my job is complete.


Your individual goals and preferences would determine the approach I would use to ensure you achieve the results you are after.


For the majority of people it is their nutrition which stops them reaching their health, performance or body-composition goals.


Here you will find a selection of my downloadable files. Everything from ‘Learning to Handstand’ to ‘Low Calorie Alcoholic Drinks.’